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Maryland Manual, 1934
Volume 151, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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shall be adopted and become a part of the charter of said
city or county from and after the thirtieth day after said
election. Said amendments shall be published by said Mayor
of Baltimore or President of the County Council once a
week for five successive weeks prior to said election in at
least one newspaper published in said city or county.

SEC. 6. The power heretofore conferred upon the General
Assembly to prescribe the number, compensation, powers
and duties of the County Commissioners in each county, and
the power to make changes in Sections 1 to 6, inclusive,
Article XI of this Constitution, when expressly granted as
hereinbefore provided, are hereby transferred to time voters
of each county and time voters of the City of Baltimore, re-
spectively, provided that said powers so transferred shall be
exercised only by the adoption or amendment of a charter
as herein before provided; and provided further, that this
Article shall not he construed to authorize the exercise of
any powers in excess of those conferred by the Legislature
upon said counties or city as this Article sets forth.

Sac. T. The word "Petition," as used in this Article,
means one or more sheets written or printed or partly writ-
ten and partly printed; "Signature" means the signature of
a registered voter written by himself in his own handwrit-
ing (and not by his mark), together with the ward or dis
trict and precinct in which he is registered. The authen-
ticity of such signatures amid the fact that the persons so
signing are registered voters shall he evidenced by the affi-
davit of one or more registered voters of the city or county
in which said voters so signing are registered, and one affi-
davit may apply to or cover any number of signatures to
such petition. Time false signing of any name, or the signing
of any fictitious name to said petition shall be forgery, and
the making of any false affidavit in connection with said
petition shall he perjury.



SECTION 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the Treas-
ury and the Treasurer shall constitute the Board of Public
Works in this State. They shall keep a journal of their pro-
ceedimigs, and shall hold regular sessions in the City of An-
napolis on the first Wednesday in January, April, July and
October in each year, and oftener if necessary; at which

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Maryland Manual, 1934
Volume 151, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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