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Maryland Manual, 1934
Volume 151, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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corporated town, village, or municipality in said county, on
any matter covered by the powers granted to said town, vil-
lage, or municipality by the Act incorporating it, or any sub-
sequent Act or Acts amendatory thereto. Provided, how-
ever, that the charters of the various counties shall provide
that the County Council of the counties shall not sit more
than one month in each year for the purpose of enacting
legislation for such counties, and all legislation shall be en-
acted during the month so designated for that purpose in
the charter, and all laws and ordinances so enacted shall be
published once a week for three successive weeks in at least
one newspaper published in such counties, so that the tax-
payers and citizens may have notice thereof. This provision
shall not apply to Baltimore City. All such local laws en-
acted by the Mayor of Baltimore and City Council of the
City of Baltimore or the Council of the Counties, hereinbe-
fore provided, shall be subject to the same rules of interpre-
tation as those now applicable to the Public Local Laws of
this State, except that in case of any conflict between said
Local Law and any Public General Law now or hereafter
enacted, the Public General Law shall control.

SEC. 4. From and after the adoption of a charter under
the provisions of this Article by the City of Baltimore or
any county of this State, no Public Local Law shall be en-
acted by the General Assembly for said city or county on
any subject covered by the express powers granted as above
provided. Any law so drawn as to apply to two or more of
the geographical sub-divisions of this State shall not be
deemed a Local Law, within the meaning of this Act. The
term "geographical sub-division" herein used shall be taken
to mean the City of Baltimore or any of the counties of this

SEC. 5. Amendments to any charter adopted by the City
of Baltimore or by any county of this State under the pro-
visions of this Article may be proposed by a resolution of
the Mayor of Baltimore and the City Council of said the
City of Baltimore, or the Council of said county, or by a
petition signed by not less than 20 per cent of the registered
voters of said city or county, provided, however, that in any
case 10,000 signatures shall be sufficient to complete a peti-
tion, and filed with the Mayor of Baltimore or the President
of the County Council, aild when so proposed shall be sub-
mitted to the voters of said city or county at the next gen-
eral or Congressional election occurring after the passage
of said resolution, or the filing of said petition; and if at
said election the majority of the votes cast for and against
said amendments shall be in favor thereof, said amendment


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Maryland Manual, 1934
Volume 151, Page 494   View pdf image (33K)
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