At the time this Manual goes to press the Federal Government has
not completed its organization to receive recommendations from the
State, and methods of financing have not been definitely established, so
that the Maryland projects to be recommended are not yet ready to be
In August, 1932, Governor Ritchie appointed what was known as
the Advisory Committee on Unemployment Relief to survey the relief
needs in the counties of Maryland. The members of this committee
were as follows:
Howard Bruce, Banker, Baltimore.
Paul T. Beisser, President State Conference of Social Work, Balti-
James M. Hepbron, Director of the Community Fund, Baltimore.
Rev. Edwin L. Leonard, Director of Catholic Charities, Baltimore.
Harry Greenstein, Director of Associated Jewish Charities, Balti-
Walter N. Kirkman, State Purchasing Agent, Baltimore.
Richard F. Cleveland, Member of the Board of State Aid and
Charities, Baltimore.
The conditions in Baltimore City were being surveyed and taken
care of under the direction of Mayor Jackson, through the established
welfare agencies.
The State committee investigated the situation throughout the
counties of the State, and while it had no funds at its disposal it was
able to do effective work in co-ordinating and directing existing county
relief agencies, in establishing sources of information in interesting
representative people, and in other ways.
At the Legislature of 1933, Governor Ritchie recommended a State
bond issue of $12,000,000 to take care of relief expenditures of Balti-
more City, from November 1, 1931. This issue is to be financed for
two years through a drastic reduction in the State Budget, one-half of
which was allocated for this purpose, and the other half of which was
applied to the reduction of local taxes in the various counties.
At about the close of the 1933 Session of the Legislature, the un-
employment needs of some of the counties became acute, and application
was made to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for a compara-
tively small amount of Federal aid, which was granted. This continued
until the work of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was taken
over under the provisions of the Federal Emergency Relief Act. The
unemployment needs in Maryland are now being financed through the
portion of the $12,000,000 State bond issue remaining after Baltimore
City has been reimbursed for past relief expenditures, supplemented by
Federal grants through the Federal Emergency Relief Administrator.
By an amendment to the laws governing the Board of State Aid
and Charities at the 1933 Session of the Legislature this Board was
given complete supervision and control as of June 1, 1933, of all unem-
ployment relief throughout the State. A sub-committee of the Board
of State Aid and Charities was appointed by Samuel E. Shannahan,
Chairman of the Board, to supervise unemployment relief, which com-
mittee is as follows:
Richard F. Cleveland, Chairman, Baltimore.
Sidney Rollander, Baltimore.
William L. Galvin, Baltimore.