Chapter 247 of tile Acts of 1931, authorized the Governor to appoint
a commission of seven members, whose (duty it shall be to make a study
of the underground and surface water resources of the State, in order
to determine the advisability of a plan for preserving and allocating
such water resources, developing a program for stream flow measure-
ment and recommending a plan of State supervision and policy for the
development, regulation and control of such resources. The Commission
is to submit its report to the General Assembly of 1933. The members
of this commission are:
Abel Wolman, Chief Engineer, State Health Department, Baltimore,
Frank H. Dryden, City Engineer, Salisbury, Maryland.
Robert E. Morse. Chief Engineer, Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission, Hyattsville, Maryland.
Philip B. Perlman, Munsey Building, Baltimore, Maryland.
Edward B. Mathews, State Geologist, Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Thomas W. Koon, Mayor of Cumberland, Cumberland, Maryland.
Richard Mommers, General Superintendent American Sugar Refin-
ing Company, Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Horace K. Flack, Secretary . City Hall, Baltimore
The Legislature of 1931, by Joint Resolution No. 23, authorizes
the Governor to appoint a commission, whose duty it shall be to ex-
amine into and make a comprehensive study of the entire taxing system
of the State for the purpose of discovering its deficiencies if any, and
of bringing about a fairer and more equitable distribution of the tax
burden with a view of reducing substantially the direct taxes of real
and other tangible property. The commission it to report to the Gov-
ernor and the General Assembly of 1933. The members of this com-
mission are:
Dr. Jacob H. Hollander, Baltimore.
Wm. J. Casey, Vice-President, Maryland Trust Co.. Baltimore.
Dr. Samuel H. DeVault. Professor Agricultural Economics, College
Park. Md.
Harry N. Baetjer, Attorney at Law, Baltimore.
Judge William C. Walsh, Cumberland.
Hooper S. Miles, Attorney at Law, Salisbury.
The Act of 1931, Chapter 323, authorized the appointment by the
Governor of a Magistrate for Juvenile Causes in each of the counties
of the State, except Allegany, Washington and Baltimore Counties,
provided the Board of County Commissioners decide to have such a
Magistrate, and fix and make provision for the payment of the Magis-
trate's salary.
This law also requires the Governor to appoint a Juvenile Court
Committee for each of the counties to which the law applies. When
one of these counties decides to have a Magistrate for Juvenile Causes,
then it is the duty of the Juvenile Court Committee for that county
to recommend to the Governor qualified persons for the position, and
after the Magistrate has been appointed the Committee from time to
time is to advise with the Magistrate in respect to the selection of
probation officers and other matters.