tion will take over the colored girls who are at that time in the indus-
trial Home and thereupon the latter institution will go out of existence.
Dr. George S. Finney Eccleston
Rev. Dr. T. Guthrie Speers,
Brown Memorial Chuich Baltimore
W. H. Kirkwood,
Treasurer of the Industrial Home Board Baltimore
Dr. Alfred T. Gundrv,
State Member of the Industrial Home Board Catonsville
Mrs. George A, Solter Baltimore
Mrs. Francis M. Jencks Baltimore
Mrs. Francis LeMoyne,
State Member of the industrial Home Board Eccleston
Mrs. Margaret Haw kins (colored..graduate of Howard
University and wife of tile Principal of Douglass
High School) Baltimore
Mrs. K. Bertha Hurst (colored..widow of the late
Bishop John Hurst) Baltimore
The Legislature of 1931, by Joint Resolution No. ]2, authorized the
Governor to appoint a commission of seven members, whose duty it
shall be to study the Blue Sky Laws of this and other States, and make
recommendations on the subject to the Governor and the General As-
sembly not later than January 15th, 1933. The members of this
commission are:
William Preston Lane, Jr., Attorney General of Maryland) Baltimore.
Herbert R. O'Conor, State's Attorney of Baltimore' City, Baltimore,
Charles H, Baetjer, Calvert Building, Baltimore.
C. T. Williams, Fidelity Building. Baltimore.
John P. Baer, Charles and Saratoga Streets, Baltimore.
Austin J. Lilly, Maryland Casualty Company, Baltimore,
Harold E. Weat, Chairman Public Service Commission, Baltimore.
The Legislature of 1931, by Joint Resolution No. 22, directed the
State Roads Commission, supplemented by such other assistance as the
Governor might deem advisable, to investigate thoroughly the prac-
ticability of a bridge or tunnel across the Chesapeake Bay) and if the
same should be deemed practicable from an engineering and traffic
standpoint, then to recommend the proper location and the proper
method of financing the undertaking. This commission is required to
report its findings to the Governor as promptly as possible, in order
that the Governor may make the same public, and take such further
action thereon as he may deem best for the interest of the State. The
members of this commission are:
Howard Bruce, Chairman, Elkridge, Maryland.
John K. Shaw, Eccleston, Maryland.
B. Howell Griswold, Jr., Baltimore, Maryland.
Donald Symington, Garrison, Maryland.
G. Clinton Uhl, Chairman State Roads Commission, Baltimore.
E. Brooke Lee, Member State Roads Commission, Silver Spring, Md.
Robert Lacy, Member State' Roads« Commission, Baltimore.