Appointed by President of Senate:
James F. Thrift, 216 St. Paul Street, Baltimore.
Allen Bowie Howard, Annapolis.
Harding P. Tull, Princess Anne,
Appointed by Speaker of House:
Daniel C. Joseph, 11 E. Lexington St., Baltimore.
Lawrence P. Williams, Wynne, St. Mary's County.
(Acts 1924, Chapter 537.)
Commission of 10, Governor to appoint five and Mayor of Baltimore
to appoint five, to manage the War Memorial Building in Baltimore
Governor's appointments:
William 1. Norris, 8 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, five years from
June 30, 1926
Capt. Richard C. O'Connell, 104th Medical Regiment, Baltimore, five
years from June 30, 1927.
Dr. Hugh H. Young, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, five years
from June 30, 1928.
Colonel E. Brooke Lee, Silver Spring, five years from June 30) 1929.
Emory L. Coblentz, Frederick, five years from June 30, 1930.
(Joint Resolution No. 6 of 1929.)
To investigate and study the problem of a remedy for the loss sus-
tained through personal injury and property damage accidents, caused
by motor vehicles, which is not recoverable because of the financial re-
sponsibility of the negligent motorist, to determine whether any remedy
is feasible, economically justifiable and consistent with accident pre-
vention as it relates to such losses, and with accident prevention in
general, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor
and the General Assembly not later than January 15, 1931. Appoint-
ments to be "representative" of the departments and groups specified
insurance Department — Harrison Rider, insurance Commissioner,
Lexington Building, Baltimore.
Motor Vehicle Department—J. Vincent Jamison, Hagerstown.
County Motorists—W. Wallace Lanahan, Timonium, Baltimore Co.
Baltimore City Motorists—W. Frank Roberts, 1401 Bayard St., Bal-
Non-motor-vehicle owning publics—Police Commissioner Charles D.
Gaither, Police Building, Baltimore.
Automotive industry—C. Harry Reeves, Jr., President Foss-Hughes
Motor Car Company, 1313 Cathedral Street, Baltimore.
insurance business—Joseph F. Matthai, Vice-President U. S. F. & G.
Company, Calvert and Redwood Streets) Baltimore.
Baltimore Safety Council—W. W. Cloud, Cathedral and Biddle
Streets, Baltimore.
Governor's representative—Joseph C. France, Court Square Building,