The members of the City Council, except the President
thereof, shall be citizens of the United States, above the age
of twenty-one years, residents of the City of Baltimore three
years prior to their election, and for the same time residents
of the Councilmanic District for which they are elected, and
assessed with property to the amount of three hundred
dollars ($300.00) each. who have paid taxes on the same
one year prior to their election, and they shall hold office
for four years. Each member of the City Council shall be
paid a salary of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00) per
annum, payable monthly.
211. The Election for members of the City Council shall
be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in May
in the year 1923, and upon every fourth year thereafter.
Their terms of office shall be for four years. Said election
shall be held by Councilmanic Districts and no person shall
be entitled to vote for any member of the City Council
except for the member for the Councilmanic District of
which the voter is a resident. The members of the First
Branch and Second Branch of the City Council now in office
shall hold office until their successors have been elected
under the provisions of this Charter and have duly qualified.
212. There shall be elected on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday in May, 1923, and upon every fourth year there-
after, from the City at large, a person to be the President of
the City Council who shall possess the qualifications required
and hereinbefore defined of the Mayor of the City of Balti-
more. His duty shall be to preside over the City Council
and vote on all questions and perform such other duties as
may be prescribed by ordinances not inconsistent with this
Charter. He shall be paid a salary of three thousand dol-
lars ($3,000.00) per annum payable monthly. The City
Council, by two-third vote of all the members elected, may
remove from office the President of the City Council for in-
competency, willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office
upon charges preferred by the Mayor, and after notice of
such charges is given to the President of the City Council
and an opportunity afforded him to be heard.
213. The qualifications of electors of members of the City
Council shall be the same as those of electors of the Mayor.
All vacancies in the City Council shall be filled without delay
by the City Council from the Councilmanic District in which
the said vacancy occurs, by an election of a person possess-
ing the qualifications hereinbefore prescribed, to fill the un-
expired term of the former incumbent.
214. All powers, rights, duties and privileges heretofore
vested in the First and Second Branches of the City Council,