Art. Sec.
Charter of the State............................................................. 8
Of banks........ ................................................................ 3 39
Of corporations ................................................................. 3 48
Subject to repeal or modification............................ 3 48
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal....................... ...... ....... 12 2-3
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.--............................--................ 12 2-3
Circuit Courts ............................................................................... 4 1, 19, 24
Of Baltimore City .................................................... 4 27-29
City of Baltimore ............................................................... 11 1-9
Clerks, their charges to be regulated by law...................... 3 45
Of Court of Appeals; powers and duties of; elec-
tion of ..................................... ... ... . ... ............ 45 176
Of Circuit Courts ................. ................ '4 25-26
To return account of receipts and expenses................ 15 1
Code, how to be amended or added to..................................... 3 29
Collectors not eligible whilst in default............................... 3 12
Color, no Incompetency as witness by reason of.................. 3 53
Command In chief, when Governor to take actual.................. 2 8
Commerce, Legislature to encourage...................................... 43 ........
Commissions, public ............................................................ 4 13
To be Issued to Sheriffs, Judges, &c., by Governor.... 4 11
Or fees not to be received by Judges, Comptroller,
Treasurer, &c. .................................................................. 33,8 1
Of State's Attorneys ...................................................... 5 8
Commissioner of Land Office.................................................... 7 4, 5
Commissioners to revise laws relating to corporations... 3 48
Committment by House of Delegates...................................... 3 24
Committee of the whole, doors to be open..--............--......... 3 21
Common law, people entitled to....................................... 5 ........
Common Pleas, Court of, for Baltimore City............. 4 28
Compensation of officers generally............................................ 15 1
Extra when not to be allowed................................... 3 35
Comptroller of Treasury ...................................................... 2, 6 18,1-2
Consanguinity, what disqualifies Judges to sit.............. 4 7
Constitution of United States, supreme law....................... 2 ........
Contingent fund of Governor...................................................... 3 32
Convention, provision for....................................................... 15 2
Conviction for Infamous crime, disqualification to vote... 1 2
Coroners .................................................................... ........... 4 45
Corporations, how formed........................................... 3 48
State aid or credit not to be given to, when.................. 3 34
Taxation upon revenues of...................................... 3 58
Corruption of blood, conviction not to work.................... 27 ..
Counsel, parties accused to have............................................... 21 .................
Counties, each of, to have one Senator......................... 3 2
Not to contract debts In aid of Internal Improve-
ments, when..................................................................-- 3 54
New, to be formed, how....................................................... 13 1
County Commissioners .................................................................... 4,7 42,1
Courts, laws to be certified to.......................................... 3 30
The Judicial powers of the State In what vested........ 4 1
Court of Appeals ............................................................... 4 14, 16, 18
Circuit Courts ..... .... .............. 4 1,19-24
Clerks of ........................................................................... 4 25-26
Courts of Baltimore City ................................................ 4 27-35
Clerks ............................................................................ 4 37-38
Orphans' Court .................................................................- 4 40
Register of Wills .................................................... 4 41
Courts-Martial .................................................................................. 2 15
Credit of State, when not to be given.............................. 3 34
Criminal Court of Baltimore................................................ 4 30
Cruel punishments not to be Inflicted................................ 18, 25 ........
Debate, words spoken in no liability for............................. 3 18
Debts, what not to be contracted by Legislature............... 3 ,14
Of husband, wife's property to be protected from... 3 43
Imprisonment for, prohibited....-..................... 3 38
Of the State.................................................--.-.................... 8 2
Decisions of Governor to be reported to Legislature;
what and when ........................................................ 2 20
Of Court of Appeals to be published........................... 4 16
Declaration of Rights ....................................................................... 1-45 ..
Defaulters Ineligible .................................................................. 3 12
Defense of persons accused...................................................... 21 ........
Deficiencies, temporary, how to be met.............--............ 3 34
Delay of Justice ............................................................................ 19 .....