Wm Preston Lane, Jr, Hagerstown, Md.
David A Robb, Cumberland, Allegany County, Md
William A Toole, Baltimore, Md
Isidore Samuelson, Baltimore, Md
Word H Mills, Baltimore, Md
Counties and
Baltimore City Lane Robb Toole Samuelson Mills
Allegany 8,601 10,317 237 46 328
Anne Arundel . 8,119 5,722 70 28 105
Baltimore 20,244 13,943 166 32 182
Calvert 1,792 1,629 5 3 11
Caroline 3,181 2,121 9 11 25
Carroll 5,522 5,807 21 14 56
Cecil 3,952 3,437 30 13 111
Charles .. 1,340 1,631 5 13 16
Dorchester 3,782 3,633 10 19 27
Frederick .. 8,849 8,489 47 17 165
Garrett .. 1,254 2,959 35 8 88
Harford 5,448 4,122 27 18 75
Howard 3,563 2,269 8 3 20
Kent 2,985 2,216 10 6 21
Montgomery 9,316 8,808 53 17 114
Prince George's . 7,155 6,309 50 32 153
Queen Anne's 2,542 1,595 5 7 27
St. Mary's 1,937 1,375 10 20 31
Somerset 2,325 3,801 5 8 16
Talbot 3,214 2,827 7 2 20
Washington 10,172 7,277 54 25 112
Wicomico 4,828 4,111 3 14 26
Worcester 3,203 2,435 6 10 24
Baltimore City 145,046 76,339 2,413 604 1,127
Totals 268,370 183,172 3,286 970 2,880
NOTE —On account of the death of Hon Thomas H Robinson, which
occurred on October 12, 1930, after he had been nominated at the Pri
mary Election of September 8th, 1930, for Attorney General, the vacancy
thus caused was filled by the Democratic State Central Committee by
the nomination of Hon. Wm Preston Lane, Jr