Publlsliecl by Authority of tile State of Maryland..
Public General Laws, and Public Local Laws, compiled by OTHO
SCOTT, and HIRAM M'C[TLLOUBH, Commissioners; adopted by the Legislature of Mary-
land, January Session, 1860: the Acts of that Session being therewith Incorporated :
with an INDEX to each ARTICLE and SECTION. By HENRY C. MACKALL, of the
Maryland Bar. Two vola. 8vo. law sheep, 1,788 pages, only $6. Interleaved, $10.
(Hy-The first edition of the Code being exhausted by the subscription of the State, the City of Balti-
moie. and the public, the Publishers have the pleasure of announcing that they will have a new edition
ready early in September, for which they reipectfully solicit early orders.
yg- It is deemed superfluous to dwell on the merits or advantages of this great work, the preparation
of which has cost the State upwards of $50,000. It is perhaps the most complete body of domestic juris-
prudence ever published, for popular as well as professional use. As a perfect compendium of our State
Law, mada accessible by an elaborate and well digested Index, it should at once enlist the good will and
secure the patronage of every citizen. Every Law OfBcer, every Merchant; Manufacturer and Farmer,
every Mechanic and Artizan, every professional and budneae, ought to secure a copy of THE CODE.
Laws of the United States, relating to the Nauy and Marine Corps, from
the formation of the Government to 1859: to which are prefixed the Constitution of
the United States, (with an Indek thereto,) and a Synopsis of the Legislation of Con-
gress respecting Naval Affairs during the Revolutionary war. Compiled by JOHN F.
CALLAS, Clerk to the Military Corn. U. S. Senate, and A. W. RUSSELL, Clerk to the
Naval Corn. V. 8. Senate. Just published in an 8vn. vol. of nearly 500 pages, printed
in a superior manner on superfine paper, and bound in the best Law style, price $4.
The Military Laws of the United States, relating to the Army, Marine
Carps, Volunteers, Militia, and to Bounty Lands and, Pensions, from the foundation of
the Government to the 1858. By Joss F. CALLAN, Esq., Clerk to Military Com-
mittee U. S. Senate, (just published.) nearly 600 pages, 8vo., law sheep, $4.
Lynch's .Exploring .Expedition.-Official Keport of the IT. S. Exp.
to Explore the Dead Sea and River Jordan. By Lt. "W. F. LYNCH, U.S.N. 4to, $8 &0.
The New Constitution of the State of Maryland, with Marginal Notes,
and References to the Acts of the General Assembly and Decisions of the Court of
Appeals, and anAppendix and Index, by EDWARD Oris HINKLEY, Esq.. of the Balti-
more Bar. 8vo., cloth, $1; law sheep, $1 50; law sheep, interleaved, $2.
The Bevenue Laws of Maryland. 8vo., law sheep, $2.
The Constitution of the United States, and the Amendments thereto,
with an INDEX to each.ARTICLE and SECTIOW. By a citizen of Washington. 8vo.
paper, 25 cents. .
A History of Maryland, from its settlement in 1633, to the restoration in
in 1660. By JOHN LEEDS BOZMAS, Esq., (published by order of the State Legislature.)
1,042 pages, royal 8vo.
Lingard's England.-History of England. By JOHN LINGAED, D.D.,
•Wnbellished with upwards of thirty illustrations, including a Portrait and Biography
of the author. Crown, 8vo., 10 volumes bound in 5, cloth, $10; half calf extra, $15.
This is the laafc and only edition containing the author's notes and corrections to the time of his death.
Lingard's England, abridged, with a continuation from 1688 to 1854.
By JAMES BURKE, Esq., Barrister at Law. With a Memoir of Dr. Lingard, and Mar-
ginal Notes, by M, J. Kerney, A.M. Embellished with a fine steel Portrait of Dr.
Lingard. 8vo. cloth, $2; cloth', gilt, $2 50; library style, $2 50.
The Genius of Christianity; or, the Spirit and Beauty of the Chris-
tian Beltgwa,, By VISCOOST DE CHATEATIBRIANI>. With a Preface, Biographical No-
tice of the Author, and Critical a^d Explanatory Notes. By Rev. C. I. WHITE, D.D.
800 pp. 8vo., with a fine Steel Portrait of the Author, various bindings from $2 50 to $('>.
A Uniform Series of the Tales and .Romances of HENDRIK CONSCIENCE,
the Celebrated Belgian Hovellst:
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The publishers have the pleasure of announcing that they have just issued a uniform edition of the Tales and
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