19. The county commissioners for said county shall direct the
supervisors of roads to erect and keep up, at the expense of the
county, at all public cross-roads, and where public roads fork,
indexes or finger boards, pointing to the nearest town, mill or
other public place to wftich said road leads, with the names of the
places and tho distances thereto, legibly inscribed thereon; and
the supervisors shall render an account of the expenses thereof
to the county commissioners, to be levied as other county charges.
20. They may rent annually to dealers in stone, coal and lum-
ber, and all such commodities as are conveyed down the Potomac
River in boats, all such streets and alleys lying on the west of
Wills' Creek, and between the north branch of the Potomac and
the national road, as may be adjacent to the north branch of the
Potomac, so as not to incommode any person who may have im-
proved or legally enclosed property, and may provide, by con-
tracts, for the depositing of such commodities on the said streets,
lots and alleys; and all money arising from the rents of the same
shall be applied to the use of the county; and if any person
shall fail or refuse to pay such rent, they may sue for and re-
cover the same as other debts; but nothing contained in this
section shall authorize the said commissioners to impede the
access to the property of any person forbidding the same.
21. The county commissioners of said county shall levy annu-
ally for the use of the crier of the Circuit Court for said county
a sum sufficient to pay him two dollars a day for each day he
shall be employed as crier of the said court, and the collectors
shall pay the same to' the crier at the close of each session of
the court.
22. The inhabitants of Cumberland, in Allegany county, are a
body corporate, by the name of "The Mayor and Oouncilmen
of the City of Cumberland," and by that name may sue and be
sued, and may have and use a common seal, or may use the
name of the "City of Cumberland;" and by this last name may
sue and be sued and make contracts, and may use this last name
instead of the other at the election of the corporation.
23. The survey made under the authority of the Mayor and
Councilmen of the town of Cumberland, and entered upon the