Maryland Sct:
At a session of the General Assembly of Maryland begun and
held at the City of Annapolis on the first Wednesday in January being the
fourth day of said month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty and ended on the tenth day of, March, in the same year.
His Excellency THOMAS H.HICKS, Esquire, Governor:
Among others, the following Law was enacted, to wit:
No. 236.—An Act to provide for Printing, Indexing and Distri-
buting the Code.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Geneal Assembly of Maryland, That Henry
C. Mackall be and he is hereby appointed to incorporate the laws of this present
session in the Code, and that he prepare the same for the printer who may be
employed to reprint the Code, and that he supervise the printing of the same.
SEC. 2. And the said Henry C. Mackall is hereby appointed to make a full and
particular index of the Code, with laws of the present session incorporated.
SEC. 3. The clerk of the Court of Appeals is hereby directed and required to
permit the said Henry C. Mackall to take copies of all the Public, General and
Local Laws, passed at this session and to aide him therein so as to enable him to
get said copies as speedily as possible, and the said Clerk shall also deliver to the
said Henry C. Mackall one of the copies of the Code of Public General and Pub-
lic Local Laws deposited with him under the act of Assembly.
SEC. 4. The said Henry C. Mackall shall be paid for making the said index
the sum of one thousand dollars, and for incorporating the laws of this present
session and superintending the printing of the Code, the sum of one thousand
dollars, and the Treasurer on the warrant of the Comptroller shall pay said
sums to the said Henry C. Mackall.
SEC. 5. And the said Henry C. Mackall shall contract with such person as
the Legislature shall select as printer of the Code for the printing thereof, and
shall take bond to the State from such person for the faithful performance of
such contracts as the Legislators shall direct to be made with him; And the
Librarian shall distribute the Code, when delivered to him, in the same manner
and to the that he is by law required to distribute the volumes of .
Art. 6. And be it enacted, That John Murphy be hereby appointed to print
the said Code and he shall give bond to the State, with Security approved by
the said Henry C. Mackall and in the penalty of Ten thousand dollars, for the
faithful execution of such contracts as shall be made by the said Henry C.
Mackall, which bond shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and
the terms of said contract shall be as follows: the said John Murphy shall print
for the State one thousand copies of the two volumes of the Code, on good white
paper of equal quality with that used in the last volume of the Maryland Reports,
and bound in law calf, and shall deliver the same to the Librarian on or before
the first day of July next, according to the contract made by the joint commit-
tee appointed for this purpose.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect from the day of its
March 10, 1860.
This engrossed bill the origi-
nal of which passed the Senate
by yeas and nays on the 9th
day of March 1860, was this day
read and assented to.
By order,
March 10, 1860.
This engrossed bill the origi-
nal of which passed the House of
Delegates by yeas and nays on the
3th day of March 1860, was this
day read and assented to.
By order,
Chief Clerk.