vegetables, with soup, and a proper allowance of rye-coffee,
tea and salt; and the physician may vary the diet when neces-
44. The cooking and refectory shall be regulated by the Board
of Directors; but no prisoner shall receive anything but the
prison allowance.
45. The directors shall hold regular stated meetings once in
each month, or by adjournment from time to time; and shall
also meet when occasion may require, the warden or two di-
rectors giving notice thereof.
46. They shall keep minutes of their proceedings, and a
majority shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.
47. They shall direct the management of the concerns of the
prison, and shall see that all the laws, rules and regulations in
relation thereto, are obeyed and observed by all connected with
the institution, for the purpose of enforcing the Auburn system
of prison discipline.
48. They may make and establish such rules and regulations
for the management of the institution, or assign to any of the
officers any duty not inconsistent with the laws of the State, and
the rules and regulations herein prescribed; and may also alter
these rules and regulations; Provided, that the "changes be made
known to the Executive, in their annual report; and unless con-
firmed by the legislature, they shall not afterwards be enforced.
49. They shall, at each monthly meeting, appoint one or more
of their number, who shall constitute a monthly committee, to
visit the prison at least once a week until the next monthly meet-
ing, to examine into the conduct of the officers and inspect the
management of the institution, and to whom reference may be
made by the warden and other officers for advice or aid in cases
of emergency, and who shall represent the board at all times
when not in session.
50. The monthly committee shall report monthly to the Board
of Directors in writing, concerning the condition and police of
the prison, and make such suggestions as they may deem proper.
Upon the performance of this duty much depends in the enforce-