CHAP. 5. The penalty, if any do sell ware
a fair after it be ended.
CHAP. 6. Nisi prius shall be granted in
but no essoin or protection days given.
CHAP. 7. Attaint shall be granted in trespass,
if the damage pass, xl. s.
CHAP. 8. The marshals of the king's bench
shall not bail felons.
CHAP. 10. The punishment of a juror that is
ambidexter, and taketh money.
CHAP. 12. What is requisite to be done to
have their pardons allowed which be outlawed.
CHAP. 13. What is requisite when any person
will avoid an outlawry by imprisonment. |
CHAP. 10. See the note on 34 Edw. 3, Ch. 8.
CHAP. 12. See the note on 25 Edw. 3, Stat. 5,
Ch. 17.
CHAP. 13. See the note above.
Statutes made at York, 9 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1335.
CHAP. 1. Merchant strangers may buy and
sell within this realm without disturbance.
CHAP. 2. No man shall lose land because of
non plevin.
CHAP. 3. In a writ of debt against divers executors,
they shall not fourch by essoin.
CHAP. 4. Trial of a deed dated where the
king's writ runneth not.
CHAP. 5. Which justices shall send their records
and process determined into the exchequer. |
CHAP. 1. See the note on 2 Edw. 3, Ch. 9. |
The statute of money, 9 Edw. 3, Stat. 2.--A.
D. 1335.
This statute contained 11 chapters, 8 of which are obsolete in England.
Statutes made at Westminster, 10 Edw. Stat. 1.--A.
D. 1336.
CHAP. 2. Pardons shall not be granted contrary
to the statute of 2 Edw. 3, Ch. 2.
CHAP. 3. He that hath a pardon of felony,
shall find sureties for his good abearing. |
CHAP. 2. See the note on that statute. |