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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 32   View pdf image
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32                                                               STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.

Statutes made at Westminster, 4 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1330.


    CHAP. 3.  Purveyors for the king, queen and
their children, and what they may do.
    CHAP. 4.  A confirmation of the statute, 28
Edw. 1, Stat. 3, Ch. 1, touching purveyors.
    CAHP. 5.  The king's pardon od certain fines,
and also of some money granted to him.
    CHAP. 6.  The statute made at Carlisle, 35
Edw. 1, Stat. 1, touching religious persons, confirmed.
    CHAP. 8.  At all passages men shall pay no
more for their fare than they were wont to do.
    CHAP. 9.  Sheriffs, bailiffs of hundreds, and escheators
shall have sufficient in the country.
    CHAP. 10.  Sheriffs and gaolers shall receive
offenders without taking any thing.

    CHAP. 11.  Justices of assize, &c. shall enquire
of maintainors, conspirators and champertors.
    CHAP. 12.  Wines shall be assayed and sold at
reasonable prices.
    CHAP. 13.  A confirmation of the statute of 2
Edw. 3, Ch. 2, touching granting of pardons.
    CHAP. 14.  A parliament shall be holden once
every year.
    CHAP. 15.  Sheriffs shall let their hundreds and
wapentakes for the old ferm.


    CHAP. 9.  See the note on 14 Edw. 3, Stat. 1,
Ch. 8.
    CHAP. 10.  This statute related to fines and
ransoms which had been demanded by sheriffs
from constables and townships.

    CHAP. 14. Altered in England.

Statutes made at Westminster, 5 Edw. 3.--A. D. 1331.


    CHAP. 2.  Things purveyed for the king's
house, shall be praised, and tallies made thereof.--
Of what people inquests in the marshals court
shall be taken.--Redressing of error there.
    CHAP. 3.  A confirmation of the statute of Carlisle,
made 25 Edw. 1, Stat. 1, touching religious
    CHAP. 4.  None shall be sheriff, escheator or
bailiff of franchise, unless he hath sufficient in the



    CHAP. 4.  See the note on 14 Edw. 3, Stat. 1,
Ch. 8.

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 32   View pdf image
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