Costs given where damages are. 6 Edward 1,
Ch. 1.
Recovery of damages not hindered by fraudulent
conveyance. 13 Elizabeth, Ch. 5.
Damages assessed on breach of condition of
bonds. 8 William 3, Ch. 11, S. 8.
Damages double.
For making wrongful distress. 2 William and
Mary, St. 1, Ch. 5, S. 5.
Damages treble.
For waste against tenant for life, &c.
St. Gloucester,
6 Edward 1, Ch. 5.
For forcible entry or detainer. 8 Henry 6, Ch.
9, S. 6.
For pound breach and rescue. 2 William and
Mary, St. 1, Ch. 5, S. 4.
Days in bank.
The day in leapyear and the day before, accounted
one. 21 Henry 3, St. 1.
Debt and debtors.
Debtor dying, the public shall be first paid.
Henry 3, Ch. 18.
See frauds.
Judgment shall be given on demurrer according
to the right of the cause without regarding form,
unless shewed. 27 Elizabeth, Ch. 5; 4 Anne, Ch.
16, S. 1.
Descents shall not take away the right of entry,
unless disseisor was in peaceable possession for
five years. 32 Henry 8, Ch. 33.
See forcible entry.
See wills. |
Dilatory plea.
Not to be put in without affidavit. 4 Anne,
26, S. 11.
Where pleadable in trespass. 21 James 1, Ch.
16, S. 5.
Discontinuance of estate.
No act of husband shall discontinue wife's estate.
32 Henry 8, Ch. 28, S. 6 and 7.
No discontinuance by women, of lands come
from their husbands. 11 Henry 7, Ch. 20.
Not to be outrageous--nor of plow cattle. 51
Henry 3, St. 4.
Shall not be driven out of the county, and shall
be reasonable. 52 Henry 3, Ch. 4; 3 Edward 1,
Ch. 16; 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, Ch. 12, S. 1.
Not to be made in the highway. 52 Henry 3,
Ch. 15.
Not to be impounded in a castle. 3 Edward 1,
Ch. 17.
To be taken by sworn bailiffs. 13 Edward 1,
St. 1, Ch. 37.
To be made by executors, &c. 32 Henry 8, Ch.
Where to be impounded. 1 and 2 Philip and
Mary, Ch. 12.
Where first distress is not sufficient, it may be
repeated. 17 Car. 2, Ch. 7, S. 4.
Writs shall go to enquire of the sum in arrear,
and the value of the distress on nonsuit of the
plaintiff, or judgment on demurrer, or verdict
against him. 17 Car. 2, Ch. 7, S. 2 and 3.
Goods distrained for rent may be sold. 2 William
and Mary, Ch. 5. |