If on certiorari it be returned, that the prisoner
is condemned by judgment, he shall be remanded.
2 Henry 5, St. 1, Ch. 2.
Cestui que use.
See uses.
Challenge of jurors.
On a jury or juror being challenged for the public,
cause to be shewn. 33 Edward 1, St. 4.
A juror may be challenged if one of the indictors.
25 Edward 3, St. 5, Ch. 3.
Where reversioner may challenge. 19 Car. 2,
Ch. 6, S. 3. See juries.
Damages or costs given therein. 17 Richard 2,
Ch. 6; 4 Anne, Ch. 13, S. 23.
See damages, equity of redemption, execution,
executors, frauds and fraudulent conveyances,
gaming, idiots and lunatics, infants, joint tenants,
leases, life estates, mortgage, partition, rent, solicitors,
tender, trust, uses and trusts, waste, and wills.
Suits not to be discontinued by a new commission.
11 Henry 6, Ch. 6.
Grantees of reversions shall have the benefit of,
and be subject to conditions and covenants. 32
Henry 8, Ch. 34.
Lessees to have the like remedy against them.
32 Henry 8, Ch. 34, S. 2.
Plaintiff may assign many breaches of the condition
of a bond. 8 William 3, Ch. 11, S. 8.
Consimili casu.
Where a case in like reason happens, a writ to
be made. 13 Edward 1, Ch. 24.
To plead the general issue, &c. 7 James
1, Ch.
5; 21 James 1 Ch. 7, S. 5. |
Directions for his duty. 4 Edward 1, St. 2.
----- As to riots. 2 Henry 5, St. 1, Ch. 8,
S. 1.
----- On view of body slain. 3 Henry 7, Ch.
----- As to evidences. 1 and 2 Philip and
Ch. 13, S. 5.
Costs to be given where damages are. St. Gloucester,
6 Edward 1, Ch. 1.
Costs in chancery. 17 Richard 2, Ch. 6; 4
Anne, Ch. 16, S. 23.
Defendant in error to have costs. 3 Henry 7,
Ch. 10; 19 Henry 7, Ch. 29.
Costs to avowants. 7 Henry 8, Ch. 4; 21 Henry
8, Ch. 19.
Costs to the defendant on nonsuit or verdict, in
several species of actions. 23 Henry 8, Ch. 15.
In all actions where the plaintiff may have costs.
4 James 1, Ch.3 .
Plaintiffs that sue to the use of the public shall
not pay costs. 24 Henry 8, Ch. 8.
Costs against informers on penal statutes. 18
Elizabeth, Ch. 5, S. 3.
In actions against several, where one is acquitted
he may have costs. 8 William 3, Ch. 11,
S. 1.
Defendant shall have costs on judgment upon
demurrer. 8 William 3, Ch. 11, S. 2.
Costs against plaintiff in error. 8 William 3,
Ch. 11, S. 2.
Cost on quashing writ of error. 4 Anne, Ch.
16, S. 25.
See baron and feme.
See distress, dower, widows.
Damages given for dower deforced where the
husband died seized. 20 Henry 3, Ch. 1.