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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 132   View pdf image
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132                                                               STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.
    CHAP. 27.  Justices.--Quorum.
    CHAP. 28.  Highways.
    CHAP. 29.  Scotland.
    CHAP. 30.  Highways.
    CHAP. 31.  Ale-houses.
    CHAP. 32.  Candles, &c.
    CHAP. 33.  An act for the better preventing
clandestine marriages.


    CHAP. 33.  See the note on 7 W. 3, Ch. 35.

27 George 2.--A. D. 1754.


    CHAP. 3.  An act for the better securing to
constables and others, the expences of conveying
offenders to gaol, and for allowing the charges of
poor persons bound to give evidence against

    CHAP. 6.  Stannaries.
    CHAP. 7.  Clocks and watches.
    CHAP. 9.  East India company.
    CHAP. 11.  Brandy.--Money.
    CHAP. 15.  An act to explain and amend an
act made in the ninth year of the reign of his late
majesty, king George the first, entituled an act
for the more effectual punishing wicked and evil
disposed persons, going armed and disguised, and
doing injuries and violences to the persons and
properties of his majesty's subjects, and for the
speedy bringing the offenders to justice.
    CHAP. 16.  Coaches.--Debt, &c.
    CHAP. 17.  Prison.--King's bench.
    CHAP. 19.  Fens.
    CHAP. 20.  Justices.--Distresses.--Penalties.


    CHAP. 3.  This statute does not appear to have
extended to the province.  In the preceding year,
an act was passed relating partly to the same subject,
to wit:  The fees of poor persons bound to
give evidence against felons.  The preamble to
this act evinces a most flagrant course of injustice
which had before prevailed.
    It recited that many indigent person or strangers
had been necessarily, and for want of sureties
to appear as witnesses, committed to prison,
and sold as servants for the prison fees.
    The act (which has been made permanent by
1798, Ch. 71) provided that such fees should be
paid by the county or the public.

    CHAP. 15.  See the note on 9 George 1, Ch. 22.

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 132   View pdf image
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