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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 131   View pdf image
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                                                                STATUTES NOT FOUND APPLICABLE.                                                            131
for the amoval of coroners upon a lawful conviction
for certain misdemeanors.

    CHAP. 32.  Drugs.
    CHAP. 35.  Stores.
    CHAP. 36.  An act for the better preventing
thefts and robberies, and for regulating places of
public entertainment, and punishing persons
keeping disorderly houses.
    CHAP. 37.  An act for better preventing the
horrid crime of murder.

    CHAP. 40.  African company.
    CHAP. 41.  Scotland.
fees of coroners were settled by act of assembly,
and the power given by the last section to remove
them, was not necessary, as they were removable
by the governor at pleasure.

    CHAP. 36.  Upon an examination of the several
provisions of this statute, it will be seen that it
was not applicable to the circumstances of the
people in the province.
    CHAP. 37.  See as to this statute, 4 Bl. Com.
202--but from a view of the proceedings in the
provincial court, there is reason to believe that it
did not extend to the province, although there
were a few cases in which the day was fixed by
the court.

26 George 2.--A. D. 1753.


    CHAP.  2.  Game.
    CHAP. 3.  Salt.
    CHAP. 6.  Plague.
    CHAP. 8.  Wool.
    CHAP. 9.  Fish.
    CHAP. 11.  Wool.
    CHAP. 12.  Wine.
    CHAP. 13.  Brandy.--Tobacco, &c.

    CHAP. 14.  Justices.--Clerks.--Fees.
    CHAP. 15.  Corn.--Scotland.
    CHAP. 16.  South Sea company.
    CHAP. 17.  Scotland.--Houses.
    CHAP. 18. Turkey company.
    CHAP. 20.  Scotland.--Linen.
    CHAP. 21.  Silk.
    CHAP. 22.  Libraries.
    CHAP. 25.  Ships.--Longitude.



    CHAP. 13.  The parts of this statute concerning
tobacco, related to the disposition of it in England.

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Kilty's English Statutes, 1811
Volume 143, Page 131   View pdf image
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