The members were then severally qualified by the Speaker
In the presence of each other, by subscribing to the oath
of office contained in the Constitution.
Mr. Slingluff submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the following named gentlemen be declared
the permanent officers of this House :
Milton Y. Kidd, of Cecil county, Chief Clerk ; Thomas H.
Moore, of Baltimore county, Reading Clerk ; S. R. Gilbert,
of Harford county, Sergeant-at-Arms ; Richard Lilly, of
Baltimore city, Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms; Philip Med-
ders, of Kent county, Postmaster; James Anderson, of
Somerset county, Assistant Postmaster; James Stanton, of
Baltimore city, and Ambrose Ingman, of Frederick county,
Doorkeepers; James W. Jeffers, of Queen Anne's county,
Journal Clerk; Wm. B. Goddard, of St. Mary's county,
Engrossing Clerk ; H. Tasker, of Allegany county, William
Canby, of Montgomery county, Watson Webb, of Dorchester
county, T. Tunis, of Talbot county, J. J. Duke, of Calvert
county, James Hinds, of Baltimore city, and Thomas A. R.
Keech, of Prince George's county, Committee Clerks ; E. H.
Gallagher, of Howard county, A. Heck, of Washington
county., and James Melvin, of Caroline county, Folders ;
Thomas Mason, of Worcester county, Keeper of Committee
Rooms ; Wm. T. Dennis, of Wicomico, Lamplighter ; Lewis
Green, of Anne Arundel county, Jesse Brown, of Carroll
county, Winfield Scott, of Charles county, and William E.
Collins, of Baltimore city, Pages.
Which was adopted.
All the officers except Messrs. Stanton, Goddard, Keech,
Heck and Dennis, were then severally qualified, and entered
upon the discharge of their duties.
Mr. Poteet submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the resident ministers of the Gospel in the
city of Annapolis be and they are hereby appointed chap-
lains of this House.
Mr. Smith, of Baltimore city, submitted the following
order as a substitute :
Ordered, That a committee of three be appointed to
recommend suitable persons as chaplains of this House, and
that said committee be instructed to consider the claims of
no minister of the Gospel in this connection who has,
directly and indirectly engaged in political discussions.
Which, was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the order submitted by
Mr. Poteet,
It was adopted.
Mr. Poteet submitted the following order :