Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Directors
shall appoint a President, Secretary and such other
officers as shall be deemed necessary, who shall
hold office for such, time as the Directors shall ap-
point, and they shall make and ordain such by-
laws and regulations as they may deem necessary
and proper for the management of the business and
accomplishment of the purposes of the Corporation.
President and
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That when the amount
of five hundred thousand dollars of the capital stock
shall have been subscribed, the said corporators
shall call a meeting of stockholders, giving ten
days' notice thereof, and at such meeting seven
Directors shall be chosen to serve for one year, or
until their successors shall be elected, the aforesaid
corporators to act as Directors until their successors
are chosen as herein provided ; in case any vacancy
occurs in the Board of Directors by reason of the
death or resignation of any Director, or of his
ceasing to be a stockholder, it may be filled by the
remaining Directors until the next annual election,
or until some other person shall be elected to fill
the same. The Directors, or any two or more of
them, shall be the inspectors of election of the
Company ; if at any time an election of Directors
shall not take place at the time appointed by this
Act, the Corporation, for that cause shall not be
dissolved, but an election may be held on any other
day in such manner as shall be prescribed by the
Directors, as provided in the by-laws.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Corpo-
ration is hereby authorized and empowered to build,
construct and erect dry docks and other docks and
piers and wharves, on any lands they may now or
hereafter possess in the limits of Baltimore City or
County adjacent to said city, subject to the laws
and conditions of the State of Maryland and the
city of Baltimore, and of building, constructing
and erecting work shops, warehouses, and other
buildings necessary and proper for the purpose of
docking, loading and unloading vessels, and of
storing goods and merchandize, and for carrying
on the general business of a dry dock and ware-
house company, and the said Company shall be
capable in law of purchasing, holding and convey-
ing any real or personal estate which may be ne-
Build, con-
struct, &c.