AN ACT entitled an Act to establish voting Pre-
cincts in the First, Third, Ninth, Eleventh and
Twelfth Election Districts of Baltimore County.
Divide pre-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the First, Third, Ninth,
Eleventh and Twelfth Election Districts of Balti-
more County shall be and are hereby divided into
two or more voting precincts in the manner here-
inafter provided.
Metes and
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the First Elec-
tion District of Baltimore County be divided into
two Election Precincts with the following mates
and bounds, that is to say : Precinct number one
of the First Election District, beginning at a point
where the First and Third Election District meet
at the limits of the city of Baltimore, thence bind-
ing on the west side of the Calverton Pike till it
unites with Franklin Pike, thence binding on the
the west side of said pike until it crosses Gwynn's
Falls, thence binding on the west side of Gwynn' s
Falls until it leaves the boundary line of the First
and Second Districts, thence following said boun-
dary line to a point where the road from Alberton
intersects the Jonny Cake road, thence binding on
the east side of said road to its intersection with
the old Frederick road, thence binding on the north
side of said road to its intersection with the Fred-
erick pike, thence binding on the north side of
said pike to the city limits, thence binding
on said limits to the place of beginning ; and the
place of voting in said Precinct number one shall
be Franklin Precinct number two of said First
Election District ; shall comprise all of said First
Election District not included within the bounds
of the above described Precinct ; and the place of
voting in said Precinct number two shall be Ca-
Metes and
Sec. 3. Md be it enacted, That the Third Elec-
tion district of Baltimore County be-divided into
three Election Precincts with the following metes
and bounds, that is to say : Precinct number one
of the Third Election District, beginning at a