SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Win. McCann, Wm. Davison,
Jno. N. Ely,C. E. Coats and T. A. Cunningham, and
such other persons as may be associated with them in
the manner hereinafter provided, shall be and they
are hereby incorporated and made a body politic by
the name and style of the "Peoples' Towing and
Transportation Company of Baltimore," and by
that name shall have succession, and be able to
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any
court of law and equity, and may have and use a
common seal, and the same alter and renew at
pleasure, and the said Company shall have all the
privileges and rights necessary for purchasing,
chartering, building, constructing and repairing
boats propelled by steam or otherwise for navigat-
ing the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, for the
purpose of the conveyance of passengers and towing