dency or Directors of said Company, the remain-
ing Directors shall have the power to fill such
vacancy by appointing some stockholder until the
next general election thereafter.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the meetings
of the stockholders shall be held at such time and
place, and upon such notice as may be presented
by the by-laws of said Company, and in all meet-
ings of the stockholders a quorum for the trans-
action of business shall be the owners and repre-
sentatives of at least a majority of the stock of
said Company., and every such meeting of stock-
holders shall have full power to pass anew, alter
and repeal by-laws or resolutions, which shall be
binding on the officers and agents of said Compa-
ny, and shall also have power to require settle-
ments and accounts relating to the business of said
Company, from officers and agents in their employ-
ment, and may also dismiss any President, Direc-
tors, Officers or Agents, and appoint others in
their stead.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of enabling the said Company to transport the
produce of its lands and mines to market, the said
Company, and the President and Directors thereof,
shall be and they are hereby invested with all and
singular, the rights, powers, privileges, authori-
ties, immunities and advantages for purchasing
and condemning a right of way for a railroad,
and condemn a subterranean passage or tunnel
through any lands that it may be necessary to
tunnel or make a subterranean passage through,
in order to get to or have access to their mines
and minerals, to transport the same to market,
and said condemnation to be made in a similar or
like manner as prescribed in Article (26) twenty-
six, Sections (74 to 79) seventy-four to seventy-
nine, inclusive, of the Code of Public General
Laws, and said Company is invested with power
and authority to survey, locate and establish a
Right of way.
railroad and its necessary appurtenances, which,
by the Act incorporating the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company and its several supplements,
were for the lawful purposes of said Company and
the benefit of its corporators given and granted to
the said Company, as fully and perfectly as if the
Survey and