E. Myers, Daniel McCann, Augustus Albert, S.
J. Joice, Jos. S. Heuisler, W. S. Harrison, Wm.
L. Sharretts, Wm. Hoffman, Henry Collier, John
Fitzpatriek, Jos. G. Johnson, Wm. H. Griffith,
Jas. Shriver, John M. Travers, Jas. H. Cosgrove,
Wm. H. Brewer, Wm. Bone, Geo. W. Bishop,
Elijah Hergisheimer, Wm. R. Martin, Henry
Diggs, Jno. M. Bruce, Wm. H. Johnson, Nicholas
V. Brown, John B. Tidy,' Jr., Frederick Raine,
Duncan McPherson, Albert Ritchie, Jno. L. Blake,
Thomas Shields, Jos. P. Merryman, Sam. J. Smith,
Wm. F. McKewan, James Hyland, Jos. V. Bax-
ter, Jesse Hay, Thomas Patterson, Jos. C. Booth
and Jos. H. Krager, the present officers of said
association, and their successors and the members
of said association, be and they are hereby created
a corporation and a body politic in the City of
Baltimore, by the name of "The Democratic As-
sociation of Baltimore City," for the purposes set
forth in the preamble of this Act, and by that
name shall have succession, be capable in law and
in equity to sue and be sued, plead and be im-
pleaded in any Court of Law or Equity, to make
and use a common seal, and the same to alter or
renew at pleasure, to ordain and establish a Con-
stitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order and Declara-
tion of Principles, and to amend and alter the
same at pleasure, and to elect and appoint officers,
and to make such other regulations as may be
deemed necessary and convenient by it for conduct-
ing the affairs of said corporation and to further
its designs as set forth.
Buy personal
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That said Corporation
be and it is hereby made capable in law to have
and to hold, by purchase, gift or devise, or buy
all personal property, chatties, real and fee simple
real estate, to the extent of five hundred thousand
dollars, and the same or any part thereof, to give,
grant, rent, lease, distribute, sell, exchange, mort-
gage, loan, or otherwise to dispose of as said cor-
poration may think proper.
Banking pro-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
Act shall be construed so as to authorize or em-
power said corporation to exercise any banking