open and close streets, straighten, widen and im-
prove the same, grade and pave the same, restrain
all disorders and disturbances, apprehend and fine
all vagabonds, and may impose fines, penalties
and forfeitures for the violation of their ordinances.
In force and
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the day of its passage, and the
General Assembly reserves to itself the right to
alter, amend or repeal this Act.
Approved March 30, 1868.
AN ACT to provide for the liquidation and set-
tlement of claims heretofore contracted for arm-
ing, equipping and uniforming the militia.
Audit claims.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, That the Comptroller be
and is hereby authorized and directed to receive
and audit all claims and demands for arms or equip-
ments, or uniforms heretofore furnished to the
State, or the militia since the last Session of the
General Assembly, on contract with an order by
or request of the Governor.
Verified by
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That each and every
of such claims shall be verified by the oath or
affirmation of the claimants, or his legal represen-
tative, or some other person in his behalf, and the
Comptroller is hereby authorized to examine under
oath the said claimants and Adjutant General, or
any other person or persons he may see fit to ex-
amine touching the correctness of said claims.
Draw war-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Comp-
troller shall, as soon as may be after said claims
are presented to him, pass upon and audit them,
and allow for payment such as he may find correct
and true, and shall draw his warrants upon the
Treasurer in favor of each claimant for the amount
so found by said Comptroller to be justly and truly