annually for such amount, from time to time, as
may be required to pay the amounts which may be
subscribed to said capital stock, which bonds shall
not be subject to taxation for county or corporation
taxes ; and to levy on the assessable property
within the limits of said municipal corporation,
using as the basis of said levy the assessment of
the real and personal property within the limits
of said municipal corporation, made under the Act
of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, Chapter one
hundred and fifty-seven, and the supplement
thereto, passed at the January Session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter three hundred
and forty-one, or any assessment hereafter made
according to law, such amount of taxes as may be
required to pay the interest on said bonds and the
principal debt, should the same become necessary ;
and also to constitute a sinking fund for their re-
demption, and also when, and if the said Mayor,
Aldermen and Common Council shall endorse any
of the bonds of said Railroad Company, as herein
before provided, the said Mayor, Aldermen and
Common Council shall levy, as aforesaid, such
amount of taxes as may be sufficient to pay the in-
terest on said endorsed bonds, or any part thereof,
the payment of the interest on which may not be
safely and securely provided for by said Railroad
Company, and said bonds so endorsed shall not be
subject to county or municipal taxation.
Sinking fund.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted) That the bonds which
may be issued as aforesaid shall be payable not
more than thirty years from date, reserving the
privilege of paying the same at any time not less
than five years from date, and shall not be sold or
disposed of at less than par.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That at a municipal
election to be held in Frederick, at such time and
When pay-
place as may be fixed by an ordinance of the
Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council of Fred-
erick, there may be written or printed on the bal-
lots of the legal and qualified voters at said elec-
tion the words, "For Railroad Subscription," or
"Against Railroad Subscription," and if a major-
ity of the ballots cast shall contain the words "For
Railroad Subscription," then this Act shall become
operative and binding ; but if a majority of said
Vote — how