ions comprising said brigades or divisions ; com-
pany officers shall be elected by the ballots of the
members of their respective companies ; the com-
missioned and non-commissioned staff shall be ap-
pointed by the commanding officer of the respec-
tive divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions or
squadrons ; non-commissioned officers of compa-
nies shall be appointed by the commanders of their
respective companies ; warrants for non-commis-
sioned officers shall be issued by the regimental or
battalion commanders.
Sec. 28. The commissioned officers of the Na-
tional Guard shall be commissioned by the Gover-
nor; but he may in his discretion withhold such
commission in order to determine the qualification
of the person for the office to which he shall have
been elected or appointed, and if upon reference to
an examining board, to be appointed as hereinafter
provided, a general, field, staff or company officer
shall be adjudged unqualified, another officer shall,
within ten days alter due notice given in writing
to the Adjutant General, to whom the presiding
officer of said board shall report, be elected or ap-
pointed as provided by this Act, and in default of
isuch election or appointment the vacancy shall be
filled by the Commander-in-Chief.
To be com-
Sec. 29. The Commander-in-Chief may, from
time to time, and at any time, appoint a military
board of examiners of not less than three nor more
than five officers, whose duty it shall be to examine
the capacity, qualification, propriety of conduct
and efficiency of any commissioned officer who may
be reported to him as a fit subject for examination,
and upon the report of such board, if adverse to
such officer and approved by the Commander-in-
Chief, the commission of such officer may be re-
voked ; provided always, that if practicable, two
members at least of such board shall be of mili-
tary rank at least equal to that of the officer to be
examined ; the Commander-in-Chief may also,
when in his opinion it is necessary, call boards of
officers for settling military questions or for other
purposes relative to good order and discipline.
Appoint board
of examiners.
Sec. 30. The Commander-in-Chief is authorized
to order annually, in each district, one camp of in-
struction, for not less than two nor more than five
Camp of