Special per-
Sec. 23. Whoever uses or wears, except upon
public parades, or by special orders or permission,
to be given in writing by his commanding officer,
any uniform or part thereof, or other article of
military property belonging to the State, shall be
punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars,
to be recovered as other fines under this Act.
Sec. 24. Whoever shall secrete, sell, dispose of,
offer for sale, or in any manner pawn or pledge, or
receive in pawn or pledge, or buy any uniform,
arms or equipments, or part or parts thereof, the
property of the State of Maryland, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction,
be punished by imprisonment in the city or county
jail for not less than six months nor more than
one year, or by a fine of riot less than fifty dollars
nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered
as provided in the preceding Sections.
Return to
Sec. 25. Upon the disbandment of a volunteer
company which has received uniforms, arms,
equipments or military equipage from the Adju-
tant General, in accordance with the provisions of
this Act, the commanding officer of such company
shall be responsible for the safe return to the
custody of the Adjutant General of all public
property in possession of said company, and for
any loss or damage thereto, compensation may be
obtained either in an action of contract or suit
upon the bond, and it shall be the duty of the
Adjutant General to take such legal proceedings
in the name of the State.
Sec. 26. The uniforms, arms and accoutrements
of the National Guard shall be exempt from all
seizures by way of distress, attachments, execu-
tions, or sales for debts or ,the payment of taxes,
and every mounted officer or any member of a
troop or battery, who shall own a horse necessary
for his use as such officer or member, shall hold
the game with the like exemption.
Elected by
Sec. 27. All field officers of regiments and bat-
talions shall be elected by the ballots of the com-
missioned officers of the companies composing said
regiments or battalions ; all generals of brigades
or divisions shall be elected by the ballot of the.
commanding officers of the regiments and battal-