military duty, either as members of the National
Guard or as members of the Reserves of this State,
and who shall receive an amount not exceeding
ten per cent, on collections made by them in the
city of Baltimore, and not exceeding twenty-five
per cent, on collections made by them in any of
the counties of the State from such persons as may
elect to join the Reserves, and no other compensa-
tion, and who shall give a good and sufficient bond
to the Adjutant General for the faithful perform-
ance of their duty, to be approved by the Com-
Sec. 7. Every person called upon to be enrolled,
who shall refuse to declare his true name and age,
or the name and age of any person or inhabitant of
his house with whom he is acquainted, to the
best of his knowledge, shall for each offence forfeit
and pay the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered by
order and upon certificate of the enrolling officer
as fines are collected under the fortieth Article of
the Code of Public General Laws.
Amount col-
lected — how
paid over.
Sec. 8. The amount collected from the " Re-
serves," and fines collected under any Section of this
Article, shall be paid over to the Adjutant General
and by him to the Treasurer of the State, who shall
keep a separate account of all moneys which shall
be collected for the State Military Fund, showing
all the sources and districts from which it may be
derived, and whether paid as a commutation or as
a fine or penalty, and all fines and penalties im-
posed by the civic courts or Justices of the Peace,
for any violation of any portion of this Act, shall
he deemed to be a portion of the Military Fund of
this State, and shall be collected and accounted for
as such.
Sec. 9. No person shall be excused from militia
duty on account of corporeal infirmity, unless he
shall obtain from the Surgeon of his military dis-
trict, if any, or if none, from such respectable
physician of the neighborhood or county to which,
he belongs as the commanding officer of the dis-
trict may name, a certificate of such inability, and
the same be indorsed by the said commanding