second class shall be styled the Reserves, and shall
be called out either in whole or in part, only when
the public safety, from the causes aforesaid,, shall
be so imminently endangered as to require, in the
opinion of the Commander-in-Chief, a larger force
than the National Guard can immediately supply.
Sec. 3. In case of war, rebellion, insurrection or
threatened invasion of this or any neighboring
State, the Commander-in-Chief is hereby autho-
rized to order out for actual service, either by call-
ing for volunteers, by draft or otherwise, as many
of the militia as the exigency may in his judgment
require, and in such case he is hereby vested with
the full power and authority to fill up the National
Guard by draft, and to make needful rules and
regulations therefor, which rules and regulations
shall have the force of law.
Call for
Sec. 4. Every person liable to militia duty in this
State is hereby required either to join the National
Guard as a volunteer, or pay to the State the sum
of two dollars each year, the said sum to be col-
lected as fines and penalties are collected under the
fortieth Article of the Code of Public General
Laws, and the payment of which sum shall exempt
him from militia duty for one year from the date
of such payment, subject, however, to a call of
the Reserves rendered necessary as aforesaid, and
subject also to his liability to draft as aforesaid to
fill the ranks of the National Guard.
Sec. 5. Every commissioned and non-commis-
sioned officer and soldier of the National Guard
shall be held to service therein for the term of
three years, unless he shall sooner arrive at, the
age of forty-five years, or be disabled or dis-
charged, and thereafter he shall be entitled to a
certificate of such service from the Adjutant Gen-
eral, and be exempted from further military duty
in time of peace.
Held to
Sec. 6. The Commander-in-Chief shall be em-
powered to appoint such persons in each Military
District as are in his judgment required to act as
enrolling officers of their respective districts, who
shall, when, directed by the Commander-in-Chief,
and under such rules and regulations- as he may
prescribe, proceed to enroll the persons liable to
Appoint en-
rolling officers