of the said city, either by card, sample or other
specimen, or by written or printed trade list or
catalogue, whether such person be the maker or
manufacturer thereof or not, without first obtain-
ing a license so to do.
38. Such license shall be issued to the person or
copartnership applying for the same, on the pay-
ment of three hundred dollars, and shall run one
year, from date.
39. No person, whether a resident or not of the
city of Baltimore, and licensed to sell therein,
shall suffer or permit any person not a permanent
resident of the State of Maryland, or the agent or
representative of any person or persons not resi-
dents of the State of Maryland, and not in his
regular employ or service, to sell any goods, wares,
or merchandise by sample, card or other specimen,
or by written, printed or trade list, under his name
or the name of his firm or partnership, or at the
store, counting room or warehouse in his occupa-
tion or used as his place of business.
Not permitted
to sell.
40. Any person offending against either of the
three last preceding Sections, shall be liable to in-
dictment, and upon conviction, shall be fined not
less than four hundred dollars, nor more than six
hundred dollars for each offence, one fourth to the
informer and the other three-fourths to the Public
School Fund of the State ; and any and all in-
formers shall be compelled to appear and prosecute
any and all violators of this Article, or shall be
subject to a fine or imprisonment, or both, in the
discretion of the court.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from and after the first day of May,
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight.
Approved March 30, 1868.
Take effect.