shall give bond in such amount as the Board may
direct. The Principal of said school shall receive
a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars per annum,
payable quarterly, and the professors and teachers
of the Model School shall receive such salaries
as the Board may decide.
Sec. 2. The sessions of the State Normal School,
until otherwise provided for by the State, shall be
held in such building as the State Board may
select, the rent to be charged among the incidental
Sessions Nor-
mal School.
Sec. 3. The Faculty of the State Normal School
shall consist of the Principal and of two male and
two female Professors, who shall be appointed by
the Trustees of the Normal School, and to have
such salaries and perform such duties as said Board
may direct. And the State Superintendent now
acting under the system of public instruction
about to expire by limitation of the Constitution,
shall transfer all school property and effects in his
hands to the Principal of the State Normal School.
Sec. 4. The sessions of the State Normal School
shall be determined by the Board of Trustees of
State Normal School ; provided, that the school
shall be open for not less than nine months in each
Sessions Nor-
mal School.
Sec. 5. Students of both sexes shall be admitted
to the State Normal School ; females at the age of
sixteen years, and males at the age of seventeen
years. The students shall be apportioned by the
Trustees of the State Normal School among the
several counties and the city of Baltimore, in pro-
portion to their respective representation in the
General Assembly of the State. The students
shall be selected by the several Boards of County
School Commissioners, and the Board of Commis-
sioners of Public Schools of the city of Baltimore,
from among persons having the scholastic qualifi-
cations hereinbefore required for teachers. Before
any appointment shall be made, the applicants
shall procure the certificate of the County Ex-
aminer in testimony of their scholastic proficiency,
and shall also file a written declaration that their
object in obtaining admission is to qualify them-
selves as Public School teachers, and that it is
Students to
State Normal