Sec. 3. No certificate of qualification as a teacher
shall be issued to any male under nineteen years
of age, or to a female under seventeen years of
Continue in
Sec. 4. No certificate shall continue in force
longer than three years.
of teachers.
Sec. 5. The County Examiner shall hold regu-
lar examinations of teachers at each quarterly
meeting of the Board, and at such other times as
the Board of County School Commissioners may
Visit schools.
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of each County Ex-
aminer at least twice in each school year to visit
the schools in his county, in counties having fifty
schools or less, and once in counties having more ;
he shall observe the method of the teacher, and
give him such practical suggestions as the circum-
stances may prompt ; he shall, whenever possible,
attend public examinations and report quarterly
in detail the result of his observations to the
Board of County School Commissioners ; he shall
receive as compensation for his services as Trea-
surer, Secretary and Examiner, such sum, payable
quarterly, by the School Commissioners out of the
School Fund of each county, as the Board of
County School Commissioners shall in their judg-
ment deem proper,
State Normal School.
State Normal
SECTION 1. There shall be located in the city of
Baltimore a State Normal School for the instruc-
tion and practice of teachers in the science of
education, the art of teaching, and the mode of
governing schools. For the government of the
Normal School and the election of the Principal
and Professors thereof, the Governor shall nomi-
nate, and with the advice and consent of the
Senate appoint, at the present session of the
General Assembly of Maryland, and at every
regular session thereafter, three persons to be
styled the Board of Trustees of the Maryland
State Normal School ; said Board shall elect a
Treasurer, who shall also be the Secretary, at a
salary of three hundred dollars per annum, who