Not to prac-
tice law.
Sec. 16. No Register of Wills or Clerk of any
Court shall practice as attorney at law in any of
the courts of this State whatsoever, nor shall any
Deputy Register of Wills, or any Deputy Clerk of
any Court, practice as attorney at law in any court
of this State of which he is an officer, or to which
he may be attached as a deputy or assistant officer.
In force,
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from its passage.
Approved March 30, 1868.
AN ACT to amend Article twenty-one of the
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Wash-
ington County," by adding thereto further
SECTION. 1. B e it enacted by the General Assembly?
of Maryland, That the following Sections be added
to Article twenty-first of the Code of Public Lo-
cal Laws, entitled "Washington County/' and
be amended under the head of Hagerstown, in
said Article.
Extend limits.
Sec. 2. That the Mayor and Council of Hagers-
town be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered to extend and enlarge the corporate lim-
its of said town, to sueh boundaries as, in their
judgment, shall be deemed proper, and to estab-
lish the same, and that the said Mayor and Coun-
cil shall have and exercise the same power and
authority over the said corporate limits, so exten-
ded and enlarged as aforesaid, as they now have,
or may hereafter have, by law.
Prat to to
Sec. 3. That the said Mayor and Council shall
eause a plat of said town, so extended and en-
larged, to be made out, and have the same recor-
ded amongst the land records of Washington
County, and that a certified copy thereof may be
used ia evidence in. all suits or actions in which
the said town or citizens thereof may be in any