such officers in the employ of said Company, and
to determine the manner of adjusting and settling
all accounts against said Company, and also the
manner and evidence of transfer of stock in the
said Company, and they, and a majority of them,
shall have the power to pass all by-laws which
they may deem necessary or proper for exercising
all the powers vested in the Company hereby in-
corporated, and for carrying the objects of this
Act into effect ; provided only, that such by-laws
shall not be contrary to the laws of the United
States, the State of Maryland, or any of the pro-
visions of this Act.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That at the regular
annual meeting of the stockholders of said Com-
pany it shall be the duty of the President and Di-
rectors in office for the preceding year to exhibit a
clear and distinct statement of the affairs of the
Company ; that at any called meeting of the stock-
holders, a majority of those present may require
similar statements from the President and Di-
rectors, whose duty it shall be to furnish them
when thus required.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if the capital
stock of said Company shall be deemed insufficient
for the purposes of this Act, then, and in that
case, it shall and may be lawful for the President
and Directors of said Company, or a majority of
them, from time to time to increase the said capital
stock by the addition of as many shares as they
may deem necessary, so that the whole capital
stock shall not exceed two hundred and fifty thou-
sand dollars, for which they may cause subscrip-
tions to be received after giving notice as afore-
Increase cap-
ital stock.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted. That the President
and Directors shall have power to lay off and con-
struct a railroad not exceeding one hundred feet
in width, with one or more sets of tracks, from a
point known as "Roaring Point," on the Nanti-
coke River, or the mouth of Fuetipquin Creek, at
the discretion of the stockholders, to connect at
Salisbury with the Wicomico and Pocomoke Rail-
road, and also to locate and construct an extension
and lateral branches of the said railroad to any
point or points in Wicomico County in this State
Width of