SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That all Banking Corporations or
Institutions, whether chartered by this State or
doing business therein, shall, on the first Monday
of January, in each and every year, annually pay
or cause to be paid to the Treasurer of the State,
the sum of twenty cents on every one hundred
dollars of the capital of said bank or institution
then actually paid in, to be applied by said Treas-
urer in augmentation of the Free School Fund of
the State, provided that nothing in this Act shall
be construed to require those banks or other insti-
tutions in the State, which now pay the " Free
School Fund Tax," under their existing Charter,
to pay any other or additional tax for the same
for Public
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That in the event of any
such bank or institution failing to pay the tax
herein imposed, annually, on the day limited, that
the same shall be recovered by suit at law, to be
instituted by the Attorney General of the State, in
the name of the State.
by law.