bins & Co., for work and materials in repairing and
extending the heating apparatus of the State
House, eleven hundred and forty-six dollars and
thirty-two cents ; to Frederick Sasscer, late Clerk
of the Circuit Court of Prince George's County,
for fees due him by the State, one hundred
and nine dollars and ninety cents ; to George A.
Huntt, late Sheriff of Charles County, for
fees due him by the State, twenty-five dollars
and five cents ; to George E. Gambrill, late Clerk
of the Circuit Court of Anne Arundel County, for
fees due him by the State, fifty-two dollars and
twenty cents ; to William Walsh, trustee of John
Callen, for money overpaid as per certificate of
Comptroller and Treasurer, forty-four dollars and
fifty- seven cents ; to A. Hamilton Hall for State
taxes paid in error, fifty-four dollars and twenty-
six cents as per recommendation of the Governor ;
to Lewis Magruder, Collector of the State taxes of
Prince George's County for the year eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-two, forty-nine dollars and ninety-
three cents for over payment into the Treasury as
per certificate of the Comptroller and Treasurer ; to
John M. Bond for license tax erroneously paid in
eighteen hundred and sixty-five as per certificate
of Comptroller and Treasurer, sixty-two dollars
and fifty cents ; to R. Vinton Clayton for services
rendered by order of the late Constitutional Con-
vention, one hundred and fifty dollars ; to George
S. White for State taxes paid in error for the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-six as per certificate of
the Comptroller and Treasurer, seven dollars and
fourteen cents ; to Leonard & Townsend for pub-
lishing amendments to the Constitution in eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-six, thirty-six dollars ; to
James R. Alvey, former Collector of State Taxes
in St. Mary's County as per certificate of Comp-
troller and Treasurer, eighteen dollars and four
cents ; to Charles Shipley for State taxes overpaid
as per certificate of Comptroller and Treasurer,
eighty-three dollars and seven cents ; to A. S.
Abell & Co. for advertising, one hundred and
twenty-three dollars and twenty-five cents ; to
Daniel Caulk for work done, materials furnished