AN ACT to pro vide for the repay men t out of the stor-
age and outage on Tobacco, of moneys heretofore
demanded and received by the Inspector of To-
bacco, in violation of the Acts of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-four, Chapter three hundred and
forty-six, and eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
Chapter one hundred and ninety-four, and to
repeal the Act of eighteen hundred and sixty-
seven, Chapter one hundred and forty-eight, in
relation to that subject.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the several Inspectors of To-
bacco in the city of Baltimore, be and they are
hereby authorized and directed to repay out of the
moneys received by them, or which may be re-
ceived, for storage and outage on tobacco, all sums
of money which have been paid to them, respec-
tively, or to their predecessors, directly or indirectly,
for outage on tobacco, charged to the owner or his
agent, and paid for re-inspection, over and above
the legal charge of fifty cents per hogshead for re-
drawing ; also, all sums so paid since the tenth
day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
for storage on tobacco in their respective ware-
houses, before the same was sold by the grower or
other person in whose name the same may have
been inspected, or by his, her or their agents.
Inspectors to
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That every hogshead
of tobacco which has been sold, or may hereafter
be sold, at the Tobacco Warehouse, by the grower
or person in whose name the same may be inspected,
or his, her or their agent or commission merchant
or assignee, shall from the expiration of three
months after said sale, be chargeable with storage,
at the rate of twenty cents per month for the time
it shall remain in the warehouse or elsewhere, un-
der the charge of an inspector, to be paid by the
buyer before the same shall be removed.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted by the General Assem-
by of Maryland, That the Act of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-seven, Chapter one hundred and