transfer of any stock or securities belonging to the
corporation, or the appointment of any officer re-
ceiving any salary therefrom.
Sec, 5. And be it enacted, That the persons
named in the first Section of this Act shall be the
first Directors of the said corporation, and all va-
cancies by death or resignation or otherwise in
the office of Directors shall be filled by the Board
by ballot at the next regular meeting of the
Board. The said Directors shall hold a regular
meeting at least once in each month, to receive
the reports of their officers and to transact such
business as may be necessary, and any Director
omitting to attend the regular meetings of the
Board for six months in succession, may there-
from, at the option of said Board, be considered
as having vacated his place, and a successor may
be elected to fill the same.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the general
business and object of the corporation shall be to
receive on deposit such sums of money as may
from time to time be offered therefor, and invest-
ing the same in such stocks, bonds or other secu-
rities, or loaning the same on such bonds, stocks
and securities or real estate as may be approved
by the Board, and the said corporation shall re-
Receive de-
ceive all sums of money which may be offered for
that purpose, which shall be invested accordingly,
and shall be repaid to such depositors when re-
quired, at such times, with such interest and under
such regulations as the Board of Directors shall
prescribe, but no such by-laws or regulations may
be adopted whereby any amouut less than one
dollar and more than fifty dollars shall be re-
ceived by the corporation ; deposits of larger
amounts may be received at the discretion of the
Directors, and the regulations so adopted shall
not be altered so as to affect any deposit' previously
Real estate.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Directors of the said corporation shall have .power
from time t6 time to. make such by-laws, rules and
regulations as they shall judge proper for trans-
acting, managing and directing the officers of the
corporation, provided such by-laws are not repug-