Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 7, 1868.
AN ACT to prescribe the number of names to be
selected and placed in the box from which a
panel of Jurors shall be drawn for Wicomico
In force.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland , That the Judges of the Circuit Court
for Wicomico County, or some one of them,, within
the period of one month, and not less than fifteen
days before each jury term of said Court, shall
select from the lists prescribed by law one hundred
and fifty names, to be placed in a box such as is
provided by law for the other counties in the
State, from which he shall cause to be drawn, in
the manner prescribed by law for the other coun-
ties of the State, a panel of Jurors to serve at the
Jury terms of said Court, and when such panel is
drawn, the said Judges or Judge shall direct the
Clerk of said Circuit Court to issue a venue to
the Sheriff of said county, commanding him to
summon as Jurors to attend at the next ensuing
term of said Court, the several persons whose
names may be drawn as aforesaid.
List of jurors.