Re-enacted ,
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That section twenty-
one and section twenty-five of Article seventy-four,
of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled Pi-
lots, be and the same are hereby re-enacted, and
amended so as to read as follows :
21. No pilot shall charge or receive any greater
or less reward or compensation for his services as
such, than as follows: For e very vessel inward bound
to Baltimore or from Baltimore to sea, drawing fif-
teen feet water or over,, five dollars for each foot of
water she may draw ; for every vessel drawing twelve
feet water, and not exceeding fifteen feet, four dol-
lars for each foot she may draw ; for all vessels
drawing less than twelve feet water, three dollars
and fifty cents for each foot she may draw, which
rates shall apply to vessels to or from Georgetown.
Paid if taken
to sea.
25. If any master of any vessel shall carry any
licensed pilot to sea against his inclination, he
shall pay the said pilot, if said Vessel be of over
twelve feet draught, one hundred dollars per
month, until said pilot's return or death ; if said
vessel be of over nine feet and not over twelve feet
draught, eighty dollars a month, until said pilot's
return or death ; if said vessel bo of nine feet
draught or under, sixty-six dollars and sixty-six
and two-thirds cents per month, until such pilot's
return or death ; and for every day's detention at
quarantine, by order of the Health Officer, three
dollars per day for every day of such detention.
In force.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
Approved March 7, 1868.