AN ACT entitled '' A supplement to an Act passed
January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-six,
Chapter one hundred and forty-six, entitled
An Act to incorporate the Gilmor House Com-
pany.' "
Change of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Act to which this is a sup-
plement be amended by changing the name of the
said Company in the said Act provided to be
incorporated to the Maryland Hotel Company of
Baltimore city.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That John S. Barry,
George G. Presbury, George W. Webb, Samuel
M. Shoemaker, William H. Trego, Benjamin M.
Hodges, Jr., William Gilmore and Ogden A. Kirk-
land, be and they are hereby appointed Commis-
sioners in addition to those named in the first
section of the Article, to which this is a supple-
ment, to receive subscriptions to the capital stock
of said Company which the said Commissioners or
a majority of them are hereby authorized to take
in person or through agents appointed for the
purpose, or by opening books for such purpose at
such times and places as they may deem proper,
and after giving such notice as they deem sufficient.
Capital stock.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said Company shall consist of six thousand
shares of one hundred dollars each, instead of
three hundred and fifty thousand dollars as pro-
vided in said Act, and when three thousand five
hundred shares thereof shall have been subscribed
for, the subscribers, their successors and assigns,
shall be invested with all the franchises and privi-
leges conferred by the Act to which this is a sup-
In force.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Act
shall be and continue operative and in force in all
respects except as herein amended and provided.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from its passage.
Approved February 18, 1868..