to wit : In election district number one (Barren
creek,) there shall be two Justices of the Peace
and two Constables. In election district number
two (Quantico,) there shall be two Justices of the
Peace and two Constables. In election district
number three (Tyaskin,) four Justices of the Peace
and two Constables. In election district number
four (Pittsburg,) there shall he three Justices of
the Peace and two Constables. In election dis-
trict number five (Parsons',) there shall be two
Justices of the Peace and two Constables. In
election district number six (Dennis,) two Justices
of the Peace and two Constables. In election dis-
trict number seven (Trappe,) two Justices of the
Peace and two Constables. In election district
number eight (Nutters',) two Justices of the Peace
and two Constables. In election district number
nine (Salisbury,) there shall be three Justices of
the Peace and two Constable. In election district
number ten (Sharptown,) there shall be two Jus-
tices of the Peace and one Constable.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 6, 1868.
Number of
Justices and
Constables in
certain div-
tion districts.
AN ACT to repeal section one hundred and
twenty-seven, of the fourth Article of the Code
of Public Local Laws relating to the city of
Baltimore, and to substitute in lieu thereof the
following :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section one hundred and twenty-
seven, of the fourth Article of the Code of Public
Local Laws relating to the city of Baltimore be
and the same is hereby repealed, and that the fol-
lowing be substituted therefor :