Sec. 2. Be it enacted by the General Assemby of
Maryland, That this Act shall take effect from its
Approved January 22, 1868.
Take direct.
AN ACT to amend an Act entitled " An Act to
authorize and empower the County Commis-
missioners of Kent County to subscribe in be-
half of said County to the capital stock of the
Kent County Railroad Company and to issue
bonds for the same and to provide for their re-
demption," passed at January Session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter one hundred
and thirty-nine, by adding a proviso to the first
Section of said Act, relating to the issuing of
county bonds, and the time for their payment.
WHEREAS, The County Commissioners of Kent
County in the month of June last, under the pro-
visions of the said Act, passed at January Session,
eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter one
hundred and thirty-nine, subscribed for four
thousand shares of stock in the Kent County
Railroad Company, the Bonds for the payment of
said Stock to be made payable within. twenty years,
and not in less than fifteen ; and whereas, it may
be advisable and expedient that the said Bonds,
or a portion of them, shall be made redeemable or
payable before the expiration of fifteen years, in
order to lessen the burthen of taxation, therefore.
Redeem stock.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the first Section of said Act of
Assembly, passed at January Session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, Chapter one hundred
and thirty-nine, relating to the issuing of Bonds
by the County Commissioners of Kent County for
the payment of Stock subscribed in the Kent
County Railroad Company, be amended and re-
enacted so as to read as follows :
Issue bonds.