the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the
January Session eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
Chapter twenty-nine, entitled, "An Act to Repeal
the twelth Section of an Act to Incorporate the
Kent County Railroad Company," passed on the
eighth day of March eighteen hundred and fifty-
six, Chapter one hundred and forty-eight ; to add
four sections thereto and to appoint four new com-
missioners in the place of four deceased commis-
sioners, be amended by adding thereto next after
the words "Chesapeake Bay" the words "or any
of its tributaries," and that the said Section be
amended to read as follows :
Adding sec-
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
pany as incorporated by said Act be and the same
are hereby authorized to locate and construct a
Railroad from the Chesapeake Bay, or any of its
tributaries in Kent county or from some point on
Chester River, in said county, to the line or boun-
dary line of the State of Delaware, and also to lo-
cate and construct branches from said road to any
point or points in Kent county as may be deemed
advisable, and that this Act shall take effect from
the day of its passage.
Approved January 22, 1868.
to construct.
AN ACT entitled an Act to repeal Section forty
of Article eleven of the Code of Public Local
Laws entitled "Frederick County" and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section forty, Article eleven of
the Code of Public Local Laws entitled "Frede-
rick County" be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
Repeal .
Sec. 40. The Circuit Court for Frederick county
shall hold two terms for both common law and
equity proceedings, commencing on the third