Sec. 55. There shall be annually six regular
equity or chancery terras of said Circuit Court,
the first of which shall commence on the first
Monday of February, the second on the first Mon-
day of March, (that being also the commencement
of the common law March term of said Court,) the
third on the first Monday of June, the fourth on
the fourth Monday of July, (that also being the
commencement of the common law July term of
said Court,) the fifth on the first Monday of Octo-
ber, and the sixth on the second Monday of
November, (that being also the commencement of
the common law November term of said Court,)
and to which said equity or chancery terms of
said Court, all equity process shall be made re-
turnable respectively, and the said Circuit Court,
as a Court of equity, shall be considered as always
open for the transaction of business therein.
Sec. 2. That this Act take effect from its pas-
Approved January 22, 1868.
AN ACT entitled an Act to amend the fourth
Section of the Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland passed at the January Session eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, Chapter twenty-nine,
entitled, "An Act to Incorporate the Kent
County Railroad Company," passed on the
eighth day of March, eighteen hundred and
fifty-six, Chapter one hundred and forty-eight,
to add four Sections thereto and to appoint four
new commissioners in the place of four deceased
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the fourth Section of the Act
of the General Assembly of Maryland, entitled,
An Act to amend the fourth Section of the Act of