Baltimore City, then, and in that event, the oper-
ation of the Sections of this Article, from thirty-
nine to sixty-nine inclusive, shall cease, and the
said sections, from thirty-nine to sixty-nine, inclu-
sive, shall be ipso facto repealed.
Title to pro-
Sec. 35. All titles to property of any and every
kind now held by the Trustees of the Poor of
Baltimore City shall be, and they are hereby
transferred to and invested in the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to all intents and purposes,
and all powers and privileges heretofore conferred
upon the said Trustees of the Poor of Baltimore
City shall be, and they are hereby transferred to
and conferred upon the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore.
Sec. 37. Each Trustee so appointed shall, before
he proceeds to act, take and subscribe before the
Mayor the oath of office prescribed in the Sixth
Section of the First Article of the Constitution.
Take effect.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect upon its passage, and that the said
Mayor shall immediately appoint Trustees of the
Poor of Baltimore City, as in case of a vacancy,
under the existing laws and ordinances.
Approved January 22, 1868.
AN ACT to repeal Section twenty-six of Article
four, Code of Public Local Laws, relating to
the city of Baltimore, and to substitute in lieu
thereof the following:
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section twenty-six of Article
fourth of the Code Public Local Laws, relating to
the city of Baltimore, be, and the same is hereby
repealed, and the following substituted therefor :
Hold office
at pleasure of
Sec. 26. All persons holding office under the
Corporation of the city shall, unless a different
term of holding be provided by law or ordinance,