Maryland, Sct:
At a Session of the General Assembly cf Maryland, begun and held at the City
of Annapolis, on the 1st day of January, 1868, His Excellency, THOMAS
SWANN, being Governor, the following Laws were enacted, to wit:
AN ACT to repeal Sections thirty-four, thirty-
five, thirty-six, thirty-seven and thirty-eight of
the Fourth Article of the Code of Public Local
Laws, relating to the City of Baltimore, and to
substitute in lieu of Sections thirty-four, thirty-
five and thirty-seven the following :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Sections thirty-four, thirty-
five, thirty-six and thirty-seven of the Fourth
Article of the Code of Public Local Laws relating
to the city of Baltimore, be and the same are
hereby repealed, and that the following be substi-
tuted for Sections thirty-four, thirty-five and
Sec. 34. The Mayor and City Council have
power to provide by ordinance for the appoint-
ment, as other city officers are appointed, of the
Trustees of the Poor of Baltimore City, and to
prescribe the powers and duties of such Trustees.
Provided, that until the Mayor and City Council
shall have acted in the premises, the powers and
duties of the Trustees of the Poor of Baltimore
City shall be such as are prescribed in and by
those Sections of this Article under the title
"Almshouse" not hereby repealed, and provided
further, that when the said Mayor and City
Council shall have, by ordinance, prescribed the
powers and duties of the Trustees of the Poor of