FRIDAY, January 3, 1868.
The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.
Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Hammond.
Present at the call of the roll the following Senators :
Messrs. President, Browne, Biggs, Brewer, Clarke, Car-
roll, Denson, Earle, Fields, Grove, Henkle, Hyland, Ham-
mond, Kimmel, Lee, Maddox, Miller, Parker, of Calvert,
Parker, of Worcester, Spates, Snyder, Smith, Walsh,
On motion by Mr. Henkle, it was
Ordered, That Augustus Gassaway be appointed Sec-
retary ; John M. Brewer, Reading Clerk ; Hunter David-
son, Journal Clerk; James T. Blackistone, Sergeant-at-
Arms ; Thomas P. Townsend, William H. Hiss, Philip M.
Slicer, Committee Clerks ; George Gale, Postmaster ; James
L. Coon, Assistant Postmaster; Clement Barry, Page;
James Treakle and Walter Raley, Folders ; Joseph E.
Lynch, Messenger ; and Harrison T. Bennett, Door-keeper.
The several officers present were then qualified by taking
the oath prescribed by the Constitution.
Mr. Earle submitted the following message:
January 3, Is68.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :
The Senate has organized by the election of Hon. Barnes
Compton, President, and the appointment of Augustus Gas-
saway, Esq., Secretary. We are now ready to proceed with
the business of the session, and propose, with, the concurrence
of your Honorable Body, the appointment of a joint committee
of five members to wait upon the Governor, and inform him
that the Legislature is prepared to receive any communica-
tion he may be pleased to make. We have appointed on
the part of the Senate Messrs. Earle and Walsh.
By order,
Which was read, assented to, and sent to the House of
Mr. Smith submitted the following :
Ordered, That the Librarian be authorized to furnish to
each Senator a copy of the Constitution of Maryland.
Mr. Henkle submitted the following substitute :
Ordered, That the Librarian be required to furnish to
each member of the Senate, a copy of the Constitution and
Code of Laws of the State, and the supplements thereto, and
also with the Journal of the last session of the Senate, all of
which, shall be returned to the Library at the close of the
session, except the Constitutions.